Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Il-verżjoni ta' Peter Pan... b'differenza

Pietru l-Kap - miktuba minn S. Psaila

Għażiż djarju,

Kif int? Ilni ma nkelmek ftit għax kelli ħafna x'nistudja għall-eżamijiet. Ilbieraħ ġratli waħda tinkiteb! Filgħaxija kont se nidħol fis-sodda biex norqod fejn insib tifel mat-tieqa!! Jien bżajt ftit minnu imma mbagħad indunajt li kien Pietru li qed naqraw dwaru fil-klassi. F'kelma waħda malajr sirna ħbieb u laqqagħni ma' Tinkle. Din kienet farfettina u taf kemm fraħt xħin rajtha, għax kienet karattru mill-films. Pietru qal lil Tinkle biex titfagħli trab maġiku, ħalli ntir!! U wara tlajna fuq vapur maġiku li kien itir ukoll. Kemm ħadt pjaċir! Huma ħaduni fuq l-gżira maġika tagħhom li kien jisimha "Magic Land."

Kienet kollha karattri immaġinarji bħal sireni tal-baħar, Nokkla safra, Snow White u kien hemm ħafna karattri oħra. Kien hemm ukoll l-ilma kkulurit, fjuri u siġar fantastiċi u kien hemm ukoll xi annimali maġiċi. Hemmhekk ħadt grazzja ma' denfil żgħira, kienet ħafna ħelwa u m'hawnx annimal isbaħ minnha żgur! Imma kien hemm il-Kaptan Cap li kien ikrah, qalbu ħażina u egoist. Kellu mustaċċi suwed u kien jilbes kuljum bil-vjola. Pietru qalli wkoll li ridna nsalvaw lill-balena u d-denfil li kien qabad il-Kaptan Cap.

Il-Kaptan Cap marret għajnu bih u rnexxilna nsalvaw lid-denfil u lill-balena. Fl-istess ħin il-Kaptan Cap qam imma konna diġà ħrabnilu allura l-balena li salvajna...belgħatu u kilitu.


Meta sirt Eroj - miktuba minn N. Stefanovic

Għażiż djarju,

Darba waħda waqt li kont rieqed f'kamarti, rajt persuna wara t-tieqa. Kien id-dlam u ma kontx ċert jekk kontx qed noħlom. Dan it-tifel ħabbatli u jien ftaħtlu. Hu qalli li kien jismu Pietru Pan u li kien se jeħodni f'avventura maġika. Hu tefagħli trab maġiku minn tiegħu u bdejt intir. Morna fuq gżira mimlija fjuri u siġar mill-isbaħ. Hemmhekk kelli sorpriża kbira għax iltqajt ma' Iron Man. Fil-bogħod rajna li kien riesaq il-ġifen tal-pirati tal-Kaptan Ganċ. Hu ried jieħu l-gżira taħt idejh. Iron Man għallimni kif nista' ngħin lil Pietru Pan. Flimkien ma' Iron Man, jien iġġilidt u rnexxielna nsalvaw lil Pietru Pan milli jiġi mikul mill-kelb tal-baħar. Il-kaptan Ganċ kellu jċedi għax il-ġifen beda jegħreq. Pietru Pan u Iron Man qaluli li jien sirt l-Eroj tagħhom u tal-gżira maġika.


It-tifel Gustus - miktuba minn K. Deguara

Għażiż djarju,

F'nofs il-lejl inħoss riħ qawwi li kien ġej mit-tieqa. Kien fetaħha tifel gustus, xagħru iswed u mħabbel bi vleġġa wara dahru. Qalli li kelllu missjoni importanti. Bdejt intir mal-kamra u qalli wkoll li konna se mmorru 'l bogħod ħafna. Wasalna fi pjaneta bil-ħelu li kien jisimha Candy World. L-ewwel ma laqatni kien l-iljun tal-ħelu u l-ħbieb li kienu mqarbin. It-tifel qalli li l-għadu tiegħu kien seraq lill-aqwa ħabib li kellu, li kien fenek b'ħafna arloġġi. Dan dejjem mgħaġġel. Qallu wkoll li għal din il-missjoni kelli nkun tajjeb speċjalment meta nuża l-iżbandola u nistaħba tajjeb tajjeb fejn ma jarani ħadd. Indunajt li l-għadu tiegħu kien il-Kaptan Hook. Hu kien kattiv u biex nidħak bih semmejtu "Skull Face" tant kemm hu ikrah. Wara salvajna l-fenek u "Skull Face" ġie mikul minn Żaqqinu li kien kukkudrill żaqqieq. Wara mort lura d-dar qawwi u sħiħ b'vapur kbir.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Fate Worse than Death

Aduro, Tom and Siilver were in an empty room discussing about their friend Elenna. Tom was sure that the cruel witch Petra had his friend.

All of a sudden they could hear a voice, it was the evil wizard Malvel. Malvel told them that Petra obeyed all his orders. Then from the crystal ball appeared Malvel's twisted features. Tom asked him about Elenna and Malvel showed them in the crystal ball where Elenna was being held as a prisioner. Tom recognised the coastline of the Western Ocean at the furthest reaches of the kingdom. The ball took them ona  journey out into the ocean. Tom saw the battlements and towers of a windowless castle, clinging to a spur of rock. The image faded and Tom marched towards the door but Aduro clicked his fingers and the door locked itself. Aduro told Tom that Malvel had taken Elenna to the chamber of Pin and it was very dangerous to reach the castle. The chamber was the most feared prision in all the kingdoms. Aduro told him also that even if he made it to get to the caslte, then he had to fight Grashkor the Beast Guard. Tom didn't want to listen, he still wanted to try to save his best friend. After Tom saw the door swing open as Aduro's magic realeased it and then told him "May good fortune follow you."

Tom set off with his stallion, Storm and Silver, Elenna's dog. In the bushes he heard the faint sound of footsteps. Who could that be? Was it Petra following him?

written by N. Stefanovic

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Pocket in his Knees

The story took place in the rain forest.

Chinky - He was an elf. Once he had to take two parcels to the old man Kindly.
The bee - Once it took Chinky to Old Man Kindly but she had to empty her pockets from honey and put the parcels in them.
Old Man Kindly: He was a wizard and a scientist.

The story was about Chinky who had to take two parcels to a man named Old Man Kindly. Now that was a long way far so this is what he did: the first bee he saw flying told it to give him a ride. The bee accepted. It emptied its pockets and told him to put the parcels in its pockets and he held on tight.

The story ended up in a happy way because Chinky arrived safely to Old Man Kindly's house. Then Old Man Kindly told the bee to fill its pockets with honey.

Written by I. Bellia

Snow White

Setting: This story took place in a forest. There was the dwarves' house.

Characters: The characters were Snow White, the princesss, who was very kind; the cruel witch who was very evil; the price who saved Snow White and the seven dwarves who worked in the diamond mines.

Conclict: The queen wanted to kill Snow White. She escaped in the forest. Snow White was saved by the dwarves. The queen gave her an apple and Snow White fell asleep. One day a prince was passing by. He gave her a kiss and she woke up from the spell.

Conclusion: The story ended very happily. The prince gave Snow White a kiss and she woke up. The prince and Snow White got married.

Written by L. M. Vella

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The Accident

Once upon a time there was a time named Kate. She was only ten years old. She had an older brother named Liam. Her mum and dad were responsible for her. They lived in the beautiful island of Malta. One day they decided to go to Ta' Qali. There were lots of green trees and brown benches. We found a clear bench and then we sat on it. Kate and her brother Liam played with their shiny, new ball. Liam kicked the ball and felt on Kate's head. She cried and cried until the ambulance came. They saw her head and seemed to have nothing bad. She only had a big hump. And finally they went home happy with no worries at all.

Made by S. Caruana

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

L-isbaħ vaganza ta' ħajti

Fl-aħħar kienet waslet il-ġurnata li kont ilni nistenna. Kont vera eċitat għax dakinhar konna se mmorru s-Serbia biex naraw lill-familja tagħna.

Kien il-ħamsa ta' Lulju u t-temp kien vera sabiħ. Qomna kmieni ħafna biex nippreparaw l-aħħar affarijiet fil-bagalji. Wasalna l-ajruport għal ħabta tal-ħdax ta' filgħodu għax konna se nitilqu fis-siegħa ta' wara nofsinhar. Il-vjaġġ minn Malta għas-Serbia kien se jieħu sagħtejn. Kelli seba' mitt sena biex naslu għax kont ilni ħafna ma nara lin-nanniet u liz-zijiet. Kollox mar sew u wasalna fil-ħin. Il-qraba tagħna kienu qegħdin jistennewna ħerqana fl-ajruport. Ma dommniex ma' wasalna d-dar tan-nanniet fejn konna se noqogħdu għax id-dar tagħhom tinsab fiċ-ċentru ta' Belgrad, għoxrin minuta 'il bogħod mill-ajruport. Hemmhekk sibna qraba oħra jistennewna u flimkien kellna festin żgħir. Kont ferħan għax fl-aħħar erġajt rajt lill-kuġin tiegħi Sasa li għandu ħdax-il sena. Matul il-vaganza żorna ħafna postijiet sbieħ li qatt ma kont rajt qabel. Ġurnata minnhom morna z-zoo fejn hemmhekk rajna ħafna annimali differenti. Kien hemm injunfanti, orsijiet, xadini, sriep, iljuni, kukkudrilli u ħafna oħrajn. Ġurnata oħra morna fuq muntanja li jisimha Zlatibor. Hemmhekk rajn ħafna ħdura madwarna u kien hemm laguna vera sabiħa. Darb'oħra morna fuq ferrovija żgħira li ħaditna madwar għoljiet li minnhom rajna veduti mill-isbaħ. Mid-dar tan-nanniet kont nieħu gost ukoll nara t-tramm għaddej. Waqt li kona s-Serbia kelli għeluq snini u kollha flimkien morna fejn laguna oħra jisimha Ada. Hemmhekk lgħabna bil-ballun fuq il-ħaxix, kilna f'wieħed mir-ristoranti u dorna madwar il-laguna bir-roti. Kienet ġurnata speċjali għalija. Kull filgħaxija konna mmorru f'ġnien kbir viċin id-dar. Hemm għamilt ħafna ħbieb ġodda u konna noqogħdu nilagħbu l-futbol u l-biljards. F'Belgrad għoġbuni ħafna t-toroq għax huma kbar u wesgħin, fil-fatt, bil-lejl kienu jkunu mixgħulin b'ħafna dawl.

Wara tliet ġimgħat,  il-vaganza waslet fit-tmiem tagħha u kont vera mdejjaq għax kont se nerġa' nitlaq lill-familja li tant inħobb. Din kienet vaganza speċjali li mhux se ninsiha qatt!

Miktuba minn N. Stefanovic

Christmas Day

The alarm clock rang. It was eight o'clock in the morning. It was Christmas Day!! I flew out of the bed and ran towards the Christmas tree. There I saw a lot of presents. I was very excited and started ripping off the wrapping paper which was around the gifts.

Soon after, my family and I went to pick grandma at San Gwann so that she can have Christmas lunch with us. Back home there was a nice scent coming out of our kitchen. My mum had been preparing Christmas lunch. After giving grandma a welcome drink, she gave me the Christmas present she had bought me. What a beautiful red dress my grandma gave me!!! At noon we sat down and we had lunch. We had lasagne and turkey. Dad placed the huge turkey in the middle of the table and started cutting it into portions. Mum added some vegetables, potatoes and a tasty sauce into to and it tasted really good. For desert we had a Christmas pudding and a cup of hot chocolate.

During lunch, we watched the Pope's blessing from the Vatican on the television. I was delighted to hear the Pope sending his greetings to the Maltese people in our own language. After lunch we took a nap. We woke up and had a cup of coffee with some Christmas cake. Then we took grandma to her home and she offered us to have dinner with her.

Time flew by quickly and soon it was time to go to bed. I was tired but very happy. Oh how I wish it could be Christmas every day!!!

Done by K.M. Micallef

The Camping Site

One sunny morning in Spring, a scouts group named "The Finders" went for an adventure in the green woods, next to the long lake.

After an hour of travelling on the yellow, comfortable school bus, the arrived in the woods full of tall, green trees. With them they brought an expensive photo camera, a red torch, fiver yellow tents , a brown teddy bear, a long fishing rod and a pair of black binoculars. First the children fixed the yellow tents and after they went fishing in the shallow river to catch some fish. For dinner they cooked a fresh salmon on the fire and for dessert they had roasted marshmallows sticks dipped in chocolate. During the cold night, they slept cosy in the tents. The next day the children organised a treasure hunt. They tried to find the gold treasure full of silver jewels and many coins. Group A won the game, the winners won a new, modern bicycle each. After the treasure hunt, the group ate some packed lunches and drank fresh orange juice. "The Finders" left the woods on Sunday afternoon and arrived back home in the evening. 

The group passed a nice weekend together and had fun playing and learning with each other. 

By C. Vella.

Fluffy and Cloudy

It was my ninth birthday. My parents gave me a small box. I was afraid to open it because it was moving. When I finally opened it, I was a bunny as white as snow. It looked like a ball of wool so I decided to name it Fluffy and sometimes I call it Fluf in short for Fluffy. When I found out it was a female, I thought of an idea to buy her a pink bow.

The day after my birthday, my mum and I went to the pet shop and bought a cage and a water bottle. We also bought her some dried food. When we arrived home, we made her in a cage and put her food and I was made sure that the water bottle was full of water.

Fluffy likes to eat lettuce, but it does not like to eat carrots a lot. Most of all she enjoys munching and crunching the dried Maltese bread.Twice a week I clean its cage and change its water.

lop eating lettuce

I always play with her every day after I finish my homework and she loves to run around the house and hides behind the furniture. Once she hid in a place where I could not find her. I spent over fifteen minutes looking for her.

Every Sunday when I visit my grandparents, I take Fluffy with me. During the trip she stays cosy on my lap. She is always frightened when Fluffy hears Tiny, grandma's dog barking.

Last year I took Fluffy to school for the Pet's week. She was afraid from all the noises that the children were making.

One day I noticed that Fluffy was a little bit sad so I asked my mum if I could buy another bunny with my own money so that she could have someone to play with. The next day we went to the pet store. My mum went to buy the dried food while I went to see the bunnies. I saw different ones and I could not choose but then I saw a cute grey bunny in the corner. It was a male bunny so I bought it. I decided to name him Cloudy because it was as grey as a cloud.

When I took him home I put him in the cage with Fluffy. She was happy with Cloudy and they play together a lot. I wish that one day, they will have a baby bunny!

By. D. Borg

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Taħt id-dawl tal-qamar...

...m'hawnx isbaħ mill-qari bil-lejl! 
viva l-immaġinazzjoni!

Niktbu bħal...

Studju Soċjali ...b'differenza.

Fejn wasalna fil-preparamenti tal-preżentazzjonijiet li jmiss?!

Preżentazzjonijiet ta' mhux iktar minn 5 minuti fejn fihom ser nagħtu daqqa t'għajn lejn dak kollu li jagħmilna Maltin u flimkien nkomplu nitgħallmu dwar il-kapitli li għaddejja s'issa...waqt li nerġgħu niftakru dak li għamilna matul din is-sena!