Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Why is creativity so important?

Creativity is so important because:
  • Improves self esteem, motivation and achievement
  • Develop skills for adult life
  • Develop the talents of the individual

Kelma Kelma...

Sunday, 28 April 2013

My Cats

R. Agius's adorable cats dominated the next presentation. R. introduced us to his two cats: Percy and Panda and talked about their differences such as their character. 
They are such cute cats!!!

Well done!


I. Bellia's presentation was very similar to a TV programme show. 
He started his Power Point by welcoming us to his programme, then progressed by explaining in detail about his pet: A Guinea Pig.
It was very informative as we learnt more about a guinea pig's way of life and what's best for it to live a happily within our homes.

Well done!

Other Ways to say "Said"

Bookmark Winner!

Last week we celebrated World Books' Day. Our class was among those who won the bookmark competition. H. Attard won a wondeful book due to her fantastic and creative bookmark! 
Well done H. Attard! 
So proud of you!


First presentation of this week was that of M.Chetcuti who introduced his pets: Troy and Spike. It was a very interesting Power Point full of information and colourful pictures.

Well done!!!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Today's presentation was about a wonderful country in the Mediterranean. N. Stefanovic, O. Sammut and G. Muscat did a wonderful job when they presented their Power Point about Greece. The three boys talked about the country itself, about its traditions, its capital city, its traditional food, etc...

The presentation was full of colourful pictures. 
The boys discussed about this fascinating country while everyone listening to them interested. 
Once again it was a successful presentation. 
Well done boys!


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Small Animals

Another fantastic presention was that of T. Bartolo. She presented some very interesting creatures which have so many unique features. 

T. Bartolo talked about these small animals' characteristics. 

     We were really interested, especially when she presented the frog!

Well Done!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Keshasa: The Cooking Master

Another fantastic TV programme was that of S. Caruana, K. A Debono and S. Psaila. They presented another recipe, this time about Coconut Balls. The presenter for this programme was K. Debono who introduced us to her friends and together they discussed on how to make these delicious sweets. Afterwards, they left us speechless as they gave us colourful cupcakes and coconut balls! Well done girls!

Inħobb Naqra...

Cupcakes Cooking Show

Last week, K.M. Micallef, D. Borg and K. Deguara presented a very interesting " Cooking TV show". Their main aim was to teach us how to bake cupcakes. K. Deguara was the presenter of the show. She introduced her friends and together they talked about their recipe. Their Power Point presentation was full of pictures and colours. 

Finally they even gave us some delicious cupcakes made all by themselves!! 
Simply fantastic!

Winning Competitions

Two students from our class, R. Howard and S. Psaila, both participated in different competitions and won fantastic prizes.

R. Howard took part in a race and won some very cool stuff! 
Check them out!

On the other hand, S. Psaila took part in a dancing competion and won a wonderful cup.

 Well done to both girls!
You make us proud!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

3. Kont Taf Li...

Kif tinkiteb?

It-tfajla tal-Barnuża l-Ħamra...b'differenza

Il-verżjoni l-oħra tal-Barnuża l-Ħamra - miktuba minn H. Attard

Darba forst l-oħrajn kien hemm tfajla ta' tmintax-il sena jisimha Natasha. Din it-tfajla kienet fi triqitiha għal għand in-nanna tagħha b'qoffa tal-qasab bil-frott u pastini tal-lewż li ppreparat il-mamà tagħha. Il-mamà ma marritx magħha għax kienet allerġika għall-fjuri. It-tfajla libset barnuża ħamra għax in-nanna kienet tħobb l-aħmar u b'hekk tferraħha. Waqt li bdiet miexja kien hemm maltempata li tajret id-dar tan-nanna u ntilfet. Wara rat raġel gustuż tal-età tagħha u żżewġet.


Betta tintilef fil-bosk - miktuba minn C. Vella

Darba waħda kien hemm tifla jisimha Betta u kellha rasha iebsa daqs il-ġebel. Ommha kellha l-mistednin u ma setgħetx tmur għand in-nanna bl-ikel. Hi qalet lil Betta biex tmur hi u ma tkellem lil ebda stranġier. Malli waslet fil-bosk kien hemm ħafna siġar u ħdura. F'daqqa waħda qabdet ix-xita u hi marret tiġri għal għand in-nanna. Wara sabet ruħha għand saħħara u hi wasslitha għand in-nanna bl-ikel f'idha.

Extinct Animals

Last week's presentation was extremely interesting. It involved a wonderful Power Point presentation done by student E. Gauci, where he talked about different types of animals and explaining how and why these animals are becoming extinct. 

We were left speechless at some pictures of wild animals and we were very interested in listening to Gauci's amazing facts. 

Overall, we learnt about new animals and how we can help in order to avoid these creatures from being killed and eventually become extinct.

Well done E. Gauci!

Presentation done by E. Gauci

Saturday, 6 April 2013

King Midas and the Golden Touch - Kohwai & Young

It took place in a palace.

Old Man, King Midas, Fairy, daughter.

The King went in his garden and suddenly a Fairy shows up. The fairy said "I will grant you one wish". The king took a while to think. He said, "I wish I had a golden touch". The fairy granted his wish. King Midas touched everything in his garden. 

He was hungry and when he touched a mug with his lips it turned into gold. His daughter came running to give him a hug. She turned into solid gold. The king weeped and cried till the fairy appeared. He wanted everything back to normal.

The King lived happily ever after.

summary done by R. Howard

Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Desmond Marwood

In the Woods and in a little cottage.

Goldilocks: the girl with golden locks
The three bears: Father Bear, Mother Bear and the Baby Bear

Once there was a girl called Goldilocks. One day she set off to explore the Woods, so she skipped away into the Woods. She had already explored most of the woodland but today she decided to go further than she had ever been before.

When she was walking she soon came upon a cottage also hidden by the trees. The door of the cottage was open so she tapped gently on it and called out: "Hello - is anyone there?" There was no reply. It was all very quiet. "I wonder who lives here?" thought Goldilocks. She went in and on the table there were three porridges:  the biggest one was salty, the middle-sized bowl was too hot and the smallest bowl was good for her so she ate all the porridge. 

Then she was tired so she went to sleep. There were three beds too. One was huge, another was middle-sized and third was quite tiny. She tried them all and then she decided to sleep in the third one. The bear family who lived in the cottage found Goldilocks while Goldilocks was waking up. When she saw them she went running home and she never went to the Woods again.

summary done by S. Psaila

A Very Special Secret - Katharine Holabird

Angelina has a new club-house and her friend Sophie the Princess is coming to visit Chipping Cheddar and she's going to meet her best friend Alice. They all have fun together. Sometimes they go to Mrs. Thimble's shop where they have some tea and scones with jam but they have to watch out for the horrid royal nanny Miss Fidget. 

scones with jam

When Sophie goes to ballet lessons, Mrs. Lilly chooses Alice and Sophie to be dancing as the bluebell fairies at the village dance. Angelina feels left out but they all make friends in a sudden.

In the end Angelina, Alice and Sophie celebrate with a party at the new secret club-house. They all live happily ever after.

summary done by T. Bartolo

A Basket of Surprise - Enid Blyton

The setting:
This story happened in the Woods.

Jimmy: the boy
Billy: Jimmy's friend that went to play with him  
Tibby: the cat that was lost and had kittens
Mr. White: the man that was ill

Once, Jimmy went to Billy's house and when he was on his way home he saw a bird flying. Jimmy thought that there was a nest nearby. When he arrived home he remembered that he left the basket in a bush. He went back home without the basket and when he told his mother she was very cross. He was saving his money to buy a railway tunnel. But he ended buying a new basket for his mother.

The story ended that Jimmy found the basket with his cat, Tibby: and she had kittens. It was a happy ending story!

Summary done by L.M. Vella